Bad Service at Wal-Mart

Today on January 3 around 8 pm, I went to your store for an exchange of an gift set. Well the item I was returning, price was reduced. I told the tall male customer service person that I was willing to keep the item if I got a price adjustment. The guy said okay. Then I told him, that the rest of the items on the receipt were in my car and could I do the other items that I had bought a week earlier.
He said "yes!”
Well, I go to my car and come back 20 minutes later and got another customer service rep. Well, I told her I just want to do a return and buy back. She asked me who said I could do this. I pointed to the guy next to her.
He told her "he did."
She takes the item and goes two different people. She comes back with an female African manager.
I asked "what was the problem?"
She said, that I could not return the items because they were holiday items. (Vanilla Lotion & Soap gift set).
I asked " Where on this receipt or on the board above me, that it said that?"
She said, "It has always been that way”.
I told her, that I just did it 5 minutes ago, and someone else approved it, why was the process changing now. They said the other guy did not get it approved by a manager.
I told the argumentative manager "Since I was getting bad customer service, then I could return the items with a receipt since she was refusing to give me price the adjustment!"
She storms off, in an angry tone saying "I will not allow it!"
Then I told short female customer service rep that computer allowed a price adjustment without a manager, why do we need to discuss it with the manager. She goes on and says that the guy next her was new.
I told her "I didn't care, the computer allowed it. What's the problem?"
I was so upset with the bad customer service, I told her to return all the items and the items I was about to purchase I left them in the store.
In addition, I told her that” I guess the customer isn't always right at Wal mart"
I thought Wal mart and I was going to have a good relationship since, the store moved. I wanted to stop shopping at Target. I had never had this bad of service at Target. Therefore, I would like to know, what is Wal Mart's problem. Sorry, I didn’t get their names, but I am pretty sure, you can just check the schedule to see who was working at that time. Wal mart needs to post their rules or stop disrespecting innocent customers.


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